Online Addigy Training

    Gain Addigy skills anywhere in the world with official online Addigy training.

    Get Addigy Certified Expert (ACE) certified from your home or office.

    Why Take Online Addigy Training?

    • Are you unable to come to our London training centre?
    • Do you want to save on travel and accommodation costs?
    • Do your technicians need the benefits of ACE certification?

    If you said “Yes” to these questions, then online Addigy training is the perfect fit.

    Using video conferencing software, our trainers achieve the same level of interaction as in our classroom-based training.

    All you need to get started is a laptop with a webcam and microphone.

    Online Addigy training represented by Addigy dashboard on Apple Mac

    Gain official Addigy certification

    Access the complete range of official Addigy training programs. Each Addigy course teaches Apple device management using macOS, iOS, iPadOS, and tvOS.
    Delivered by Addigy’s only UK partners and Europe’s largest Apple Training providers: Influential Training.

    Addigy Certified Expert (ACE) Course

    Addigy Certified Expert (ACE) training.
    Complete 2-day instructor-led course.

    Addigy Certified Associates (ACA) course

    Addigy Certified Associates (ACA) training.
    Beginner-intermediate 1-day  course.

    Book an Addigy training course
    • Fill out the form to request a course or tell us your training requirements.
    • Our sales team will reply to take your payment and complete your booking.


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